When I go to the gym a training day for me (first time in almost 8 days, which lasted for about 12 minutes) I think it was a conversation I had thought that my new phone with a client on nutrition and exercise.
Sergio is a truck driver and he used to get in shape, when his younger ... but not recently. In assessing its needs and what he had tried to reach some interesting questions and comments Sergio.
Sergio pointed out that because of his profession and new baby bornand wife, that he is no longer able to get to the gym 3-4 days a week and spend 2 hours a day is necessary to keep in shape. E 'on the road as a driver and eat pretty well ... says! Subway and Burger King are normally held and not skip breakfast. It has an amazing drink and drink, but he says it helps him to keep his diet balanced and helps burn body fat. Sergio must admit that it works as good as could be and needs to lose about 30 pounds. None of these soundsDid you know?
Sergio wanted to know what supplements I use and recommend and how many hours a day at least, would have to train to get back in shape.
People, please, let us reflect on what has been said for a second ... You (Sergio gave me permission to write about it ... until I changed his name, so I do not), we have a man of middle age, mostly sedentary because of his profession, fast food. Since it does not use his muscles atrophied and he has boughtCure all elixir for the inclusion of action!
He is confused! Most bodybuilders are confused and disoriented. They see in magazines muscles and take the first routine that can find, purchase a wide range of supplements and go at it! Do not really know why a little progress, then progress stops. Many stop to think that simply do not know what it takes to build muscle, when in fact they could be Olympic athletes, and I do not know. It is a social ritual?
Muscle stressReaction
Before muscles can be built, must be stimulated, time! As a sunscreen, where you have to go in the sun, enough to stimulate the effect of stress, the sun's rays, so go with the muscle.
If you go for hours and possibly for the day in the warm August sun, you can burn or blister. The same goes with muscle strength.
You will never be a sunscreen on a cloudy day, no matter how long to stay there and
2 No matter how much suntan lotionRub, no matter if the sun intensity is not there!
Like a sun-tan lotion, the muscle is also an attraction. As soon as they have not encountered stimulus to stimulate again and again and again, what does this mean? This means that if you stimulate muscle growth in the intensity of a sentence, you do not need to re-stimulate more and more times in one sentence after another. Remember, your goal as a bodybuilder is not going to the gym to see how many groups you can do, or how manydifferent exercises to do. Yours is the exact amount of sets done to stimulate muscle growth! Who do not want to do two hours ... it takes more like 10-15 minutes if done properly. Muscle is specific. If you are no longer the slightest need to stimulate the increase of growth is overtraining!
This means that the muscles grow outside the gym, because the body is then more than offset the stimulus or training. We must first recover from the effects of global trainingsystemic, not just locally, then once the shooting took place, what remains is over-or growth. This can take up to 4 days or more, sometimes up to 14 days, with some of my customers! Remember that cartoon characters to read and see in the muscle magazines, large quantities of recreational drugs such as growth hormone, insulin and steroids. They would do better, more intense, less and less frequently used for training. The body has a limited amount of resources toRegeneration capacity. As your body becomes stronger, the smaller amount is not increasing. In fact, because you are stronger and bigger, and more resources as we grow, the possibility of over-training is even greater if you manage the volume and frequency down!
Fat is fat
Muscle does not turn to fat, and vice versa. An apple can not put on an orange! Fat is the storage. Throughout history there have been famine. When your body senses that are dying of hunger, start savingBody fat, you think that he will die. Why do you think that bodybuilders are always lean and eat often?
Eat small frequent meals allows the body to think that it is never to keep any deposit, because he's hungry. Eating one or two meals a day requires the body to maintain body fat. Eating a high calorie meal once a day, told with little nutritional value that you are hungry and not only them but also slows down the metabolism to be extremelymore efficient.
There are food supplements, that this process will be reversed!
If the covering of fat that you want to remove one of your muscles, it is quite easy!
**** Look for a balanced diet consisting of the following elements:
Cereals and cereal 1 - 4 or more servings a day
2 Fruits and Vegetables - 4 servings per day or more
Protein 3 - 2 servings per day or more
4 Milk and milk products - 2 servings per day or more
Reduce your calorie intake below ****Your level of maintenance
If you reduce the energy expenditure of 500 calories a day, you lose 1 pound of fat a week. NOTE: Remember, the more muscle you gain, your BMR is increasing. You are a fat burning machine!
See the math ...
1 pound of fat provides 3,500 calories (for 1 € of the muscle, which provides 600 calories affixed). Your level of maintenance is based on weight.
To understand the level of maintenance:
If you are a man .... Add a zero to the end of yourBody weight. Multiply the weight by two and add to this number.
If you are a woman ... Add a zero to the end of the body weight, then add your body weight, these numbers, and this is your BMR.
Example: 200 pounds a man, add zero. ie 2000 calories. Take 200x2 = 400 Add 400 to 2000, and this is your BMR, basal metabolic rate means that ... 2400 calories. This is what one body, only the process of life-force needs fuel, and contains no calories consumed daily in the voluntaryActivities.
If you are a man 200 pounds and reduce the calories of 500, which is 1900 calories a day, in an effective way to lose pounds of fat a week. If you reduce by 1000 calories, you lose 2 pounds of fat a week.
Never go below 1200 calories a day because it is a challenge to eat a balanced diet at this level.
(If BMR is so low that even with a diet of 1200 calories a day, you can not lose a small amount of body fat would burn caloriesIn addition, through movement, ie, aerobics, cycling, trekking etc. biking burns about 500 calories per hour, when at about 10 mph)
Oh, by the way, requires 200 pounds bodybuilder about 72 grams of protein a day and when he put on 20 pounds of muscle this year and will be on 220, was 72-74 grams, is currently increasing. I spent more time to talk about this magical thing called protein, yes, I'm sarcastic like no matter who you are or what you do, your protein needs based on the needs and requirements to its weight.
Putting It Together
The only way to build muscle, if you're a bodybuilder or other natural athlete, professional or a housewife, is:
1 They train hard and I really do not like to use most of the resources of the body (no training at all is a negative when it comes to building muscle mass)
2 Rarely train so that the compensation then the compensationOccur (muscle building)
3 Feeding your body with a balanced diet, as shown and try to win if thin, it adds another 250 calories, and when trying to lose fat to reduce 500-100 calories a day (never below 1,200 calories)
If you read my book RUSerious - http://www.ruserious.info-Sie know there is not much volume, in order to stimulate muscle growth. I just had a phone customer calls me, and he gained 13 pounds of muscle in two months, for a total of 2 hours in trainingthese two months. 15 minutes every 7 days! Yes, it's a natural athlete and has coached for 20 years so there is a Junior Member. If you do this correctly, you experince progress every workout.
It is the intensity of the volume that creates the attraction. It 's the difference between a long-distance runners and sprinters. The long distance runner has conditioned stringy muscles to do more work with less intensity, a sprinter who has nice muscular legs go, the full affixedForum for a few meters. Why? Because if you train hard, it is impossible at long train ... to the extent that you train hard, is the inverse of the long term! Short and intense workout and exit the gym, so come in muscle growth. Could you imagine a sprinter sprinting 10 miles?
If you train hard, do not train too long or too often a balanced diet, that's all you need! Get rid of the pills, potions, greaseBurning elixirs, and put the money in your pocket. There are no secrets, unless the way in which the muscles grow and understand how the fat is deposited.
I say this over and over again, "stop wasting precious time" to achieve your personal goals and bodybuilding and the progress of each training session.